iPad trail so far…Cornelius’s View

The iPad trail has been going on for about a month now. The 4 of us ITGS students are still the only students who have their iPads. I know for me it has been a big help in class. I have used it in many classes. The class that my iPad has been a ver big help for is biology. The way that class is set up makes it hard for me to take notes. But with my iPad it has been very easy. Also in our labs I have been able to log all my information straight into my iPad. This help me a lot because I am very unorganized with paper and the iPad almost organizes things for me. It does this in my notes notability. This app have been extremely useful in a lot of ways. I have used this app in every class I have. It is a note taking app. It makes life very easy for me. It like my folder with all my notes in it. Another app that has been very helpful is my homework. This is my new agenda. I put all my to do homework in it. What it does is send notifications to my iPad. It also sends a text to my iPhone. This is very helpful because on Sunday nights my family and I like to go out to eat. So my iPad will send my phone a text saying I have Spanish homework. Then I remember and do it when I get home. This has been very nice because a lot of times when I get home my mind does not go back to think about school until very late. So haven’t little reminders has been a big help.

This is a picture of the notability app.
