They can give us iPads, but they can never give us….


If when I was five, my teacher came to me and told me that I would be using a magical picture frame in the place of a cluster of papers I would have been confused.

First of all, it’s a magical picture frame, how can you expect to control and trust a five year old with one.

And secondly, what was the problem with paper in the first place?

Anyway, the point still stands, as a theoretical five year old you can imagine my surprise when our ITGS teacher came to us and told that we would be the test group for the iPads…

How can you expect to trust a 16 year old with a magical picture frame?

The problems that could arise in classes are immediately obvious. As a chronically underachieving and easily distracted student, the first thing I expect I will do is, and I’m sure others are with me on this; procrastinate into a dark infinity.

I seem to remember that paper was far easier to use as well, there were not 3 separate passwords that I had to set up and the installation was definitely, overall, far smoother

The results of our test group will be interesting to see, but I will enjoy it until it is inevitably revoked . The idea is at first glance, about as good an idea as kicking an oversized and rather angry vending machine that is having a bad day and is prone to falling over, but that’s fine, I’m sure there is an app for that instead