Delicious links for 2006-07-12

Well I am enjoying my sabbatical summer, well if it can be called that. But continue to wander through my ‘edu-bloggers’ posts in my aggregator. It has become second nature and almost obsessive which is worrying. Weird how some of the things and items I included in my assignment seem to be popping up everywhere and beign discussed including this interesting paper from Miguel Guhlin called Blogs: Webs of Connected Learning. Remembered I used those words connected learning frequently in my words.

Interesting fighting talk from Miles Berry aswell about the use of open-source LMC like Moodle and how London Grid for Learning are fighting against this. That will pop up in my next delicious links post, which if you hadn’t realised is posted here the next day if I place any social bookmarks in my account.

Final juicyness out there is this wonderful starter which almost every non ICT using modern teacher would support; whether your attention span is a sign of how intelligent you are?

Enough for now, some wonderful conversations out there. Will be off to Mexico on Friday so only expect the delicious links for a while unless I get tempted by an internet cafe somewhere.