Continued ‘state of partial attention’…

Well good news, Dave Tosh reports over from Elgg that 800*600 resolution is finally on its way out -so maybe all the struggle to try and resolve those resolution issues with my Moodle CICT site might be a thing of the past? Still excited about the integration of Elgg and Moodle, although am being held back at this moment in time by the wonderful assignment. Less said about that the better, as I am ploughing through the opening paragraphs after proof reading them to make swathes of necessary changes.

Just found a new Feedburner type site, Feedo Style that will place your feed in a fully alterable (CSS styled)Feedo Style block that can be embedded into any website…etc…which might be a better option than Feedburners rather simple options. Although as I found out with the Grazr feeds when their site goes down your site ends up hanging and that can’t be good. Another reason to think about the plugging in of all these different Web 2.0 style tools in the long term and something I will be commenting on in my assignment!

How else can I waste time, aahh by popping the anthem of the summer for you to listen to by Peter and Bjorn – ‘Young Folks’ -go over to their website and buy it.