Well another Module almost over….

As someone suggested this one seemed to go faster than the first Module. Maybe the very large practical element to the course might have meant that this seemed more enjoyable but harder work..now comes the assignment -aarrghhh!

Must start setting targets I think:-

1) Add final assignment, lessons. Check marking scheme is working. Check Gismo finally works. Sort out groups so that different groups can use course at same time without knowing. Javascript frontpage image so different ones show?
2)Finish finally the Moodle course by 16/05, and then email and publicise to Masters Students.

3) Select one teacher and one student to do walk-through -although this will be artificial as course is meant to be summer course. Walkthroughs finished by 18/05

4)Outline for assignment with headings to Karon 23/05

Hmmm thats enough targets for me now.