Screencasting Over…

Well finally spent a whole day finishing off the screencasting, which became easier maybe due to my realisation that trying to reach a perfect ‘cast’ was impossible and the more relaxed the better as it might actually enhance the learning experience for the user.

Heres another sample from my Bloglines section. There are still problems of the size of teh file for streaming over a 56Kb dial up connection. BUT most students that I have asked on the ICT courses at the school have an ADSL connection.

Now am concentrating on adding more ‘constructivist’ elements to the other parts of the course, including the NumSum interactive spreadsheet assignment and the use of Lessons , Wikis and Assignments.

Other problems have included the usability of the site on a variety of resolutions and sizes of monitors. I have tested on some very small monitors recently and reduced the graphic front logo still further and some of the embedded graphics. I think I will change the banner graphic to improve consistency.

Aiming for the students to test and try course, from mid next week 9th May. Ready for final testing of scenarios and readying for presentations to my Masters group.

Nearly there :)~