Nice to be chatting again..

Well it was nice to get back to FirstClass and chatting. Interesting to see other Masters participants sites including Will’s and Dan’s , both of which are looking very good probably a little more professional than mine but maybe that is due to the type of user I am designing for and obviously the type of WIBBLY / course based constructivist that I am aiming for. Did find that the more I am designing my WIBBLY and playing with new Web 2.0 tools the more frustrating it is becoming using FirstClass though. Where is the shared-bookmark feed, clips from web-pages and blog-aggregator within FirstClass to maybe make the collaborative experience more genuine? Answers on a postcard please?
Will’s ‘favicon’ inspired me to sort out that wee thing, to brighten up the browser search bar. Something I had never down before. Favicon

Still putting off the screencasting, although came across a really fun one which made me think about how smooth and professional do I want it to be, when this one both amused me and got the message across. Check it out at Alex Barnett’s Blog . He introduces you to a new tool called which links Instant Messaging to RSS feeds. Its fab and would link into my ideas for the Moodle of a connectivist nature and interlinking of the sending of chunks of information. BUT it does work, but shall we say is a little temperamental…so whether I include it as a tool to use in the AS Applied ICT Intro course I don’t know. Could be fun to include that as one person adds a bookmark to the group account that it then sends a message to anyone who is online that this has been published!!!

My other stumbling block is the use of content and whether I can embed or add some .pdf documents or not. Some from ‘Educause’ that I want to use as reading seem to suggest that I can use the documents for educational purposes as long as it is explicit where the documents came from. So I’ll go for it, but there seem many pitfalls to online copyright.

Have also taken the criticism of some early visitors to my Moodle site, that it is made for high resolution large monitors. By decreasing mainly the size of the opening page graphic…..lets see if it helps, I need to find a low resolution monitor somewhere?

Okay see if this gets sent to my IM account……fingers crossed…

UPDATE – It works….just click on the ‘Monitor This’ – e.g the ROBOT image button and have a go yourself….