John Abbott’s Talk – Action Now?

John Abbott president of the 21st Century Learning Initiative and Director of the Education 2000 Trust, came my school recently to lecture both the students and also all teachers. I was fortunate to be able to go to both lectures/discussions one that was for Grade 9 students and obviously the one for teachers at the end of a long school day.

The most immediate feeling that came from him related to the urgency that was needed for the younger generation of today to take action against many of the larger issues that are happening today. Weirdly relfecting in some ways the latest TED talk I have discussed recently by Al Gore. John however focused on how Education in many ways is failing our students and not giving the freedom to become creative and thoughtful problem solvers. The quotation he led on was “Battery Hens or Free Range Chickens? What Kind of Education for What Kind of World?” and led onto the definition of ‘learning as a consequence of thinking’.

In some ways obvious but interesting statements as often as an Information Technology /Design Technology teacher the aim is always for students to explore problems and through a process/ method come up with creative and thoughtful solutions. That is what our subject is about, but often when given the time constraints of a curriculum the problems become artificial and the solutions very similar and regulated. The way a secondary school works that a student goes from class to class, ruled by a bell not allowing for flexibility almost impinges on how a student can develop these skills.

As suggested thoug maybe the ideals of a more flexible more generous education are easiest to discuss, than to actually put into practice within any regimented school? Anyway enough from me I have included a link to the John Abbott Slides he has published from the talk, and I recommend you check out his website for further information – 21st Century Learning.