Ultranet – School Management Vs E-learning Platforms…

Well my current school is currently fully involved in the selection process of buying/developing a learning platform. It is interesting after so many years running my own class/department based learning platforms how different and complex the process is for most often obvious reasons due to scale and number of stakeholders involved.

It does beg Siemens questions whether a whole Learner Management System could inhibit learning and flexibility. But it must also be questioned how technology enthusiasts do not bring equality of access to these types of learner systems. So even if I am providing social networks, blogs, wikis, video streaming/ sharing websites, moodle courses that this is only for a specific set of students within specific subject areas.

There are so many systems out there I wonder what views anyone has as to their ability to deliver a good learning platform for a school. I know all the Moodle arguments and discussions, but I wonder past Open Source envangelists what system might be best. Below are some that the school might be viewing for tender to see how their systems can fulfill the schools requirements.

If anyone has any experience of any of these systems, please leave a comment. After initial viewing and consultation I hope to get students involved in the process so I am specifically interested in student interaction with the above learning platforms.