CICT Tikiwiki Experiment showing some interesting attutudes from students…

Interesting as the student groups that had been set up to follow their different research areas were initially, well for a period of 5 minutes reluctant to the news that they were changing area of study. But within ten minutes once they knew the tikiwiki history said all about what individual contributions they were making – they had no real problems with the sharing and collaborative ideals.

In fact they took with relish the idea that they could edit and check the work of others. The most interesting aspect was that the first time I could really see that they were thinking about plagiarism. Obviously because it is on the net very quickly they could copy and search for clocks of text and find if items were plagiarised. Students were quick to catch fellow students out, and this was a definite learning exercise and probably the first time they had seen first hand that they could be caught out! After quite a few problems this year with plagiarism issues related to project work. Maybe more Wiki projects might be the answer?

The other interesting thing is that now I have added one of those wonderful Clustrmaps the students are seeing for themselves that others are going to look at their site. I would need to add further analytic software to see where…but that will have to wait till next time.
Unfortunately the downside is the use if Tikiwiki which has quite a few teething problems, well my installation anyway. So that now we can not rollback except manually, or delete any pictures or users. Oops…