Implementing Change in ICT and Delicious links for 2006-11-18

    Well I just have to say that Firefox 2.0 continues to astound as being much more stable than the last years and able to handle many different Addons and changes without affecting its performance. The Mr Tech Addon has enabled me to give you a quick summary of all my extensions with links to download them Yes count them 25…and all are very useful……..Enabled Extensions: [25] Link here – Firefox Extension List
    And can you believe that there are more that I am trying including this Fleck extension.

    The other area of interest that has been happening in school and also related to Unit 4, about multiliteracies is the issue of plagiarism. At school their has been talk of how EdExcel will be using plagiarism software like ‘Turnitin’ to catch students with plagiarised project work,. This is good in one way but also misses the point related to are we teaching our students about how to research, find sources, evaluate sources and then cite them correctly? The link below leads to a free plagiarism detector – but hopefully within our school a new Moodle course is being developed that might through teacher INSET help spread better and more sensible research techniques and understanding.

    Click on this link RRRCoxTearle to find my latest literature review for my Masters. A very interesting set of papers about managing change and implementing ICT development in schools..which beyond anything else has given me a focus as to why so often it is difficult to implement change especially when you are often the innovator of these ideas.